Celtic Studies Foundation
Senate Resolution 133/10 of 12 August 2010 which repealed the constitution & established a new Celtic Studies FoundationDescription
At its meeting on 1 December 1986 the Senate of the University approved in principal the establishment of the Celtic Studies Foundation. On 6 October 1987 Senate approved the establishment of the Celtic Studies Foundation and ratified the Foundation's Constitution. The objects of the Foundation were to advise the Senate of the University of Sydney and the Vice Chancellor on matters associated with promotion and development of teaching and research in Celtic Studies within the University and in particular:
a) to build up a corpus of assets to enable the establishment of a chair or other tenured position in the University in the field of Celtic Studies
b) to provide financial support for part time teaching in Celtic Studies
c) to assist in the acquisition of appropriate library holdings
d) to assist in bringing to the University visiting scholars in order that they may participate and stimulate teaching in and research in the field
e) to provide scholarships, including travelling scholarships and grants-in-aid to assist candidates enrolled for post graduate degrees in Celtic Studies.
f) to co-operate with any institution or association having objects similar to the Foundation and in particular with the Celtic Council of Australia and the Geoffrey Ferrow Chair of Celtic Studies Appeal.
g) to solicit from members of the public donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney for Celtic Studies
h) to engage generally in fund raising activities and specifically to manufacture trade and sell items for the purpose of the Foundation
i) to engage in such other activities as will assist the development of Celtic Studies in the University
(Constitution of the Celtic Studies Foundation)
Senate Resolution 133/10 (12 August 2010) repealed the Foundation constitution and established a new Celtic Studies Foundation under new Foundation rules.
Foundations Policy 2016 set out model rules for foundations which had to be complied with as amended from time to time.
In 2018 the role of the Foundation was to support the University of Sydney’s teaching and research into Celtic Studies and to assist with the cost of research material and in the publication of books and monographs. The Foundation provided a link between the University and the community by mounting a variety of community activities and by holding a triennial conference which continues to attract the academic leaders in the field from Australia and overseas.
The first Director in Celtic Studies was Dr Aedeen Cremin.
Professor Anders Ahlqvist was appointed to the inaugural Sir Warwick Fairfax Chair of Celtic Studies at the University in 2008. He held that position until his retirement in 2013. He was succeeded by Dr Jonathan Wooding who took up the position in late 2013.