IdentifierAGN-00000364Alternative NameLadies Christmas Card Auxiliary (1962 to 1963)
Ladies Auxiliary of the Postgraduate Medical Foundation (1963 to circa 1976)
Women's Committee of the Postgraduate Medical Foundation (Circa 1976 to 1983)TypeCentre/FoundationDate?1962 to ? 2003Description
The medical school formed a Postgraduate Committee for the promotion of postgraduate education, study, work and research in Medicine and advancement of the art and science of Medicine. The Postgraduate Medical Foundation was established in 1958 to raise funds so the activities of the Postgraduate Committee could be assisted further.
The Women's Committee of the Postgraduate Medical Foundation had its origins in the Foundation's Ladies Christmas Card Auxiliary formed in 1962 and renamed Foundation's Ladies Auxiliary in 1963. Approximately 1976 the Auxiliary was renamed the Women's Committee of the Postgraduate Medical Foundation and in 1983 renamed the Women's Committee of the Medical Foundation. The Committee's purpose from establishment was fundraising for the Foundation.
After 2003 there does not appear to be any evidence of the committee in the Foundation Managers reports to the Executive Committee.
Activities of the Women's Committee are included in the Minutes for the Annual General Meetings of the Medical Foundation. (Series G3/247).
Alternate IdentifierOld Control Number: G3/251Metadata StatusComplete
Women's Committee of the Medical Foundation (?1962 to ? 2003), [AGN-00000364]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 17/02/2025,