At a meeting of Sydney Teachers College Staff on 24 November 1966, it was resolved that an Academic Board should recommend to the staff what action the staff should take to maintain, develop and co-ordinate responsibilities for the academic work of the College and for all matters relevant to that work. The Board was to be composed of the Principal as Chairman, the Vice-Principal as Deputy Principal and fifteen elected members.The first meeting of the Board was held on 3 February 1967. At the meeting of 15 February a Constitution for the Academic Board was adopted, without the section specifying the Boards functions. The meeting of the 7 March adopted the functions for the Board. They were a development of the resolution of the staff meeting of 1966. Other specific matters covered were:a)to consider and make recommendations on any report from the Staff or Principalb)may refer matters to the staff or to a subject department for consideration and reportc)the power to appoint committees, with the power to co-opt from outside the College, as it saw fitd)to be able to make recommendations with reference toi)courses of study in the College; ii)selection, examination and classification of students; iii)award of prizes; iv)practice teaching and demonstration lessons; v)use of equipment and textbooks; vi)the Library and office in the conduct of academic work; vii)relationships with other teacher training institutions; viii)professional development of staff, including research; ix)allocation of finance for the better conduct of academic work; x)advising students; xi)the organisation of the College
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Academic Board [Sydney Teachers College (STC)] (03/02/1967 to 1981), [AGN-00000323]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 17/02/2025,