Academic Board [Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE)]
The principal advisory committee to Council on academic matters based on the endorsement by Council of the Review of the College Governance, Structure and its Administration (known as the Rousch Report after Professor Peter Rousch, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wollongong, who chaired the Committee which produced the review).
The Constitution of the Academic Review Board was adopted by Council on 6 June 1983. This set membership as being the Principal, Deputy Principal, the Director of each Institute and the Head of the Guild Centre, senior academic staff appointed by Council, elected staff and students from each Institute and the College Librarian. The functions of the Academic Review Board were to be the principal advisory board to the Council on academic matters; to consider any matter referred to it by Council; to exercise powers and functions and perform duties determined by Council. The Academic Review Board: may establish committees and delegate powers to them; may consider any matter affecting the academic policy and activities of the College as a whole, and make recommendations thereon to the Council or to any other board, committee or authority within the College; shall review recommendations from the Institute Boards and where necessary, co-ordinate submissions from the Boards for presentations to the Council; may refer matters to other boards or committees of the College for consideration and report; shall determine guidelines for new programs approved by the Council; shall encourage and review research in the College. A report from the Academic Board, prepared by the Secretary had to be provided to each Council meeting.
Following the change to the College Academic Board the terms of reference were also changed. It was still the principal advisory board to Council on academic matters, and Council could direct its functions, duties or activities. In particular the College Academic Board was to: receive and consider all matters referred to it by its sub-committees, Institute Academic Boards, the Principal or Council; to provide advice to Council on formulating and implementing academic policies; to report at least annually to Council on extent to which academic objectives were being met; to establish committees to assist in carrying out its functions; to refer matters to the Principal and/or Institute Academic Boards as necessary; receive recommendations from Institute Academic Boards regarding policies on College programs; recommend to Council the Three Years Program Development Plan, including associated Course Proposal submissions; be involved in, and approve, matters relating to course proposal procedures and documentation; receive advice from the Resources Advisory Committee on resource implications of matters it dealt with; have authority over publications relating to courses; determine admission standards; control rules for programs; monitor academic standards; recommend to Council students who have satisfied requirements for awards; determine the academic calendar; receive annual reports on non-award programs and make recommendations on them to Council; receive recommendations from the Guild Centre re its course units.