Registrar [Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS)]
Initially named ‘New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies' the name of the College was changed to ‘Cumberland College of Health Sciences' when the Colleges of Advanced Education Act was passed in 1975.The duties of the Registrar were defined by the Interim Council of the New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies at its inaugural meeting on 8 December 1970. The Registrar was the chief administrative officer of the Colleges and assisted the principal in the administration of the College as required by the Principal. By virtue of his office he was a member of the Academic Board and acted as Secretary to the Board. The duties included both administration and finance: responsibility for Secretarial services; Conduct of Examinations; Maintenance of Student Records and files; Timetabling; College Publications and Public Information; Graduation Ceremonies; Salaries, wages, accounts, purchasing, insurance; Services; Accommodation; Admissions, statistics.In 1989, State government legislation, in response to the Federal Government's introduction of a Unified National System of Higher Education, dissolved the corporate college and re-established it as an Academic College of The University of Sydney with effect from 1 January 1990. viewed 5/2/2016