Proctorial Board II
At a meeting on the 2nd June, 1913, the Senate recommended 'That for the more efficient maintenance of discipline a sub-committee of the Professorial Board be constituted to be called the Proctorial Board which shall be charged under the authority of the Professorial Board with the investigation of breaches of discipline and the imposition of penalties in accordance with academic usage'. The first meeting of this second Proctorial Board was held on the 28th July, 1913 (Item 2, G012, Series 4, 'Minutes of the Proctorial Board').
Sections 9 and 10 of University by-law IX (Calendar 1915, p.32) state 'The Warden, the Chairman of the Professorial Board, and the Deans of the several faculties shall form a Board to be called the Proctorial Board. The Proctorial Board shall be charged with the investigation of breaches of discipline and the imposition of penalties in accordance with academic usage. The decisions of the Proctorial Board shall be reported to the Professorial Board at its next meeting, when any person affected by them may appeal to the Professorial Board.'
After the University Amendment Act, 1924, when a permanent Vice-Chancellor was appointed to take the place of the Warden, now distinguished from the position of Registrar, the Proctorial Board consisted of 'The Vice-Chancellor, the Chairman of the Professorial Board, and the Deans of four Faculties to be annually selected by the Professorial Board' (Calendar 1926, p 41).
By 1936, the by-laws relating to the Proctorial Board were as follows:
'The Chairman of the Professorial Board, and the Deans of four Faculties to be selected biennially by the Professorial Board at the meeting next after that at which the Chairman of the Board is appointed, shall form a Board to be called the Proctorial Board.'
'On reference by the Vice-Chancellor the Board shall investigate matters which involve any question as to breach of discipline, or misconduct of any kind, by any student, and may impose penalties in accordance with academic usage.'
'A report of the decision of the Proctorial Board shall be laid upon the table of the Senate and of the Professorial Board as soon as practicable after the meeting of the Proctorial Board.'
'Any person affected by a decision in respect of breach of discipline or misconduct may appeal to the Vice-Chancellor, where the decision is by a member of the Professorial Board or by a public teacher, and to the Senate, where the decision is by the Vice-Chancellor or by the Proctorial Board' (Calendar 1936, p 49).
Amendments to the University by-laws resulted in Chapter VIII A, entitled 'Maintenance and Enforcement of Good Order within the University', which allowed for the formation of a Proctorial Panel composed by the Chairman of the Professorial Board, nine members of the academic staff (of whom no more than four were to be Professors) and six students nominated by the Students' Representative Council. The Proctorial Panel was, at the discretion of the Chairman, to 'sit in one or more divisions, each to be known as a Proctorial Board' consisting of five members (Calendar 1971, pp 107-110).
A revision of the by-law for the 'maintenance and enforcement of good order in the University' led to the formation of by-law XXXVI 'Discipline of Academic Staff' and by-law XXXVII 'Discipline of Students' (Calendar 1985, pp 354 and 359 respectively), where a distinction was made between a Staff Proctorial Panel and Board and a Student Proctorial Panel and Board. The by-law for 'Discipline of Academic Staff' was repealed under the Federal Conditions of Award covering Academic Staff, (Calendar 1992, p 195) but the terms Student Proctorial Panel and Board are retained in the current Calendar (1996, p.129).