Planning Research Centre Council
At its meeting on 2 November 1964 the Senate approved the Constitution of the Planning Research Centre within the University. The objectives of the Centre were to advise the Senate of the University and the Vice-Chancellor on matters associated with research within the Department of Town and Country Planning. The Council guiding the Planning Research Centre was made up of a diverse range of industry partners from the private and public sectors.
Senate made the following appointments to the first Council as recommended by the Centre: Council - Mr W Bunning, Architect; Mr AF Deer, Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Co.Ltd.; Mr DI Donaldson, Chamber of Automotive Industries; Mr GJ Dusseldorp, Lend Lease Corporation Ltd; Mr CJ Farrington, Stafford Moor and Farrington; Mr JW Overall, National Capital Development Commission, Canberra; Mr WW Pettingell, Australian Gas Light Company. (Report of the Senate 1964, University Calendar 1966 p 968).
When first established the Centre was required to produce and keep minutes of meetings of their Council as well as submit an annual report to Senate. (See Series 114 for minutes).
In 2016 Council members were appointed on either one, two or three year terms and each bringing a wealth of experience to the Centre, helping to guide and influence the research programs and the running of the PRC. The Council met regularly to discuss research directions and other relevant planning issues.
( viewed 4/2/2016)
Senate 14.12.2017: Resolution SEN_7/15.98
As part of the University's strategic planning 2016-2020, Senate decided in December 2015 to reduce the number of faculties from 16 to six, with three additional schools reporting directly to the Provost to come into effect 1 January 2017. The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning was one of these schools and became The University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning.
In 2018 the Planning Research Centre was listed as a Faculty-based centre under Architecture, Design and Planning on the University's Research centres and Institutes page. [Ref 1].
ReferencesRef 1: Centres. University of Sydney. accessed 6/7/2018. Accessed on 06/07/2018.