University Calendar 1962 By Laws Chapter XIXD p242
1. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be conferred by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Professorial Board, on a candidate who has satisfied
the conditions of the following By-laws, and of any regulations made by the Professorial Board, in pursuance of these By-laws
2. There shall be a PhD Committee which shall be responsible for the conduct of all matters pertaining to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
3. The Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Professorial Board, who shall be the Chairman of the Committee, the Registrar, two members nominated by the faculty of Arts, two by the Faculty of Science, two by the faculty of Engineering, one by each of remaining faculties and two others who shall be nominated by the Professorial Board. Except by special resolution of the Professorial Board the members representing the Faculties shall be nominated the specified Faculties from amongst Professors, Readers and Senior Lecturers of the Faculty concerned.
4. The first election of the committee shall be held in May 1953. The committee shall hold office until November 1955. Thereafter the election shall be held in November of every alternate year "and the Committee so elected shall hold office for a period of two years from the first day of January following the election.
Alternate IdentifierOld Control Number: G3/31Metadata StatusComplete
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Degree Committee (1962 to ?), [AGN-00000211]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 16/02/2025,