University of Sydney Nutrition Research Foundation (SUNRF)
The constitution of the Nutrition Research Foundation was approved by Senate 5 March 1979.
Objects of the Foundation:
a) encourage, foster and support research in human nutrition in the Human Nutrition Unit of the Department of Biochemistry and the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine within the University of Sydney generally;
b) support research scholars working in the field of human nutrition within the University of Sydney;
c) improve public education in the field of human nutrition by interpreting and communicating the results of research into human nutrition in Australian conditions.
The objectives may be achieved by:
a) co-operating with the Human Nutrition Unit of the Department of Biochemistry in futherance of these ends;
b) recommending grants to the Human Nutrition Unit of the Department of Biochemistry for the purchase of equipment, for the provision of scholarships and for the promotion of research from funds raised by the Foundation by way of fees, donations and the like;
c) admitting to membership of the Foundation persons, firms, companies and associations, whether incorporated or unincorporated, upon such terms and with such privileges may be determined from time to time;
d) recommending the printing of publications and the issue thereof to members of the Foundation and others;
e) arranging for lectures, exhibitions and research workshops;
f) assisting research workers to further their training by working for a period in leading overseas nutrition research centres;
g) soliciting from members of the public donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney to foster the objectives of the Foundation;
h) doing all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Revised constitution approved by Senate 2 April 1990:
a) encourage, foster and support research in human nutrition in the Human Nutrition Unit of the Department of Biochemistry and within the University of Sydney generally;
b) support research scholars working in the field of human nutrition within the University of Sydney;
c) provide a forum for the exchange of research results and of current knowledge in the field of human nutrition;
d) improve public education in the field of human nutrition by interpreting and communicating the results of research into human nutrition in Australian conditions.
In 2006 the University had taken a new approach to governance of Foundations and established new rules for existing and new Foundations within the University. It recognised the valuable role of foundations in contributing to the resources of the University by fundraising in relation to the relevant field of study for that Foundation and through the relevant faculty, Department or Institute of the University. In order to facilitate a new approach to governance of the Foundations, the Senate approved new Foundation Rules.
The objects of the Foundation did not vary much from the original. The Human Nutrition unit was situated within the School of Molecular and Microbial BioSciences. The aims of the Foundation were to:
a) foster and support research in human nutrition;
b) strengthen links with industry and the health sectors;
c) to provide a forum for the exchange of research findings; and
d) to aid research scholars working in the field of human nutrition
In 2013 the name was changed to the University of Sydney Nutrition Research Foundation (SUNRF).
The Foundation was terminated 3 March 2014 as support for nutrition research at the University would be focused through the Charles Perkins Centre.