Frederick May Foundation for Italian Studies Council
Frederick May Foundation for Italian Studies Council; after the death of Frederick May [1922 - 1976] who was Professor of Italian at Sydney University (1965- 1976), the Fredrick May Foundation for Italian Studies was established to recognise the unique stimulus which he had given to the study of Italian. (Australia's First: a History of the University of Sydney Vol 2 p151)
From the University Calendar 1978 p332
"On June 7 1976 the Senate approved the establishment of the Frederick May Foundation for Italian Studies. The objects of the Foundation as set out in article 3 of its constitution are to advise the Senate of the University and the Vice Chancellor on matters associated with Italian Studies and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, in particular to:
a) promote, foster, develop and assist the study of the Italian language and culture within the University of Sydney and elsewhere
b) co-operate with the Department of Italian in furtherance of Italian studies at tertiary and pre-tertiary level
c) recommend grants to the Department of Italian for the purchase of equipment and materials, or otherwise, for the promotion of Italian studies , from funds raised by the Foundation by way of fees, donations and the like
d) admit to membership of the Foundation, persons, firms, companies and associations, whether incorporated or unincorporated, and upon such terms and with such privileges as may be determined from time to time
e) recommend the printing/or purchase of publications and the issue thereof to members of the Foundation and others
f) arrange for lectures, exhibitions, performances, etc
g) assist in arranging visits of experts in Italian language and culture from within Australia and overseas
h) enter into any arrangements with any institution or association having objects similar to those of the Foundation
i) solicit donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney for Italian studies from members of the public
j) do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. The Foundation raises the funds to further its aims and objectives by annual subscription from its members and by gifts and donations."
Meeting of Senate 7 February 2000 minutes noted the report that the Vice-Chancellor had accepted the recommendation of the Council of the Frederick May Foundation for Italian Studies to dissolve the Foundation and the recommendation of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (College of Humanities and Social Sciences) to establish a new Association to be known as the University of Sydney Italian Studies Association.
The funds from the Foundation would be transferred to the new Association which would be located within the Department of Italian. (registered file 037/0007/0002-05)