Committee Appointed by the Professorial Board to Maintain Regular Consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
"Committee with the long name"TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate1955 to No DateCreationSenate meeting, 08/08/1955Description
Established as Standing Committee of the Professorial Board also known familiarly as "Committee with the long name". "The origin of the Committee had been the disquiet amongst some members of the Professorial Board when the first Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor CR McRae, was appointed in 1955. The Board had been very happy with his appointment but feared that the first proposed outline of his duties had been too like the list of the Board's own powers and responsibilities. Was a Deputy Vice-Chancellor going to replace the Board? Out of the Committee so founded to relieve this disquiet had come one of the University's most useful institutions. The Committee with the long name considered and made recommendations to the Board on a great number of matters referred to it by the Board or placed on its agenda by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or the Chairman. They were all matters that require prolonged examination but were not so special as to need reference to one of the Board's many ad hoc committees. The Committee met monthly under the Chairmanship of Professor O'Neil and reported to the Board, which considered its recommendations. The Committee with the long name had the same membership as the Standing Committee of the Board, but met under another Chairman and in a more contemplative, deliberative spirit than did the Standing Committee, whose task was to arrange business and discern questions of policy, not to examine questions of policy." (Minutes of Special Meeting of the Academic Board held on 19 June 1975, p.6) Senate at its meeting on 8/8/1955 endorsed administrative changes for the Vice-Chancellor's establishment; Point 5 dealt with the establishment of the Committee:5. That the Senate invite the Professorial Board to appoint a Committee of the Board to maintain consultative contact with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, among whose duties shall be this liaison and that the Senate respectfully urge upon the Professorial Board that this Committee shall comprise at least the members of the committee of Deans.The Academic Board at its meeting on 19/9/1955 established a committee to work on the constitution for that Committee and look at the relationship between the Assistant Principal (new position) and Academic Board. At the AB meeting on 17/10/1955 the committee recommended that the constitution of the new Committee be as follows: the Deans of the several Faculties, the Chairman of the Professorial Board, those members of the Standing Committee of the Board not already named, and the Registrar. On recommendation of the Standing Committee the Academic Board adopted the recommendation.