Board of Studies in Music
The first Professor of Music, D R Peart, was appointed in 1948. The University first lists courses offered in Music in the 1949 Calendar. Music I and Music II only were offered in that year with those wishing to take Music II first having to take Music 1A and 1B. "In 1957, the Senate of the university approved in principle the establishment of the degree of Bachelor of Music and the Board of Studies for it." [Australia's First: a history of the University of Sydney Vol 2 1940-1990, p.173]
The Degree of Bachelor of Music and the Board of Studies in Music are first mentioned in the University By-Laws Chap XC in the 1960 University Calendar.
1. There shall be a degree of Bachelor of Music.
2. The award of the degree shall be supervised by a Board of Studies in Music consisting of the Chairman of the Professorial Board, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the Professor of Music, the Senior Lecturers and Lecturers in the Department of Music, not more than four other persons appointed by the Professorial Board and not more than two other persons who are members of the Faculty of Arts appointed by the Professorial Board on the recommendation of the Faculty of Arts. Any person appointed to the Board shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for reappointment.
3. The Board shall at a meeting in Lent Term in every alternate year, elect one of its members, being a Professor, as Chairman for the ensuing two years. If the office becomes vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, before the expiration of the full term, a successor shall be elected at a duly convened meeting of the Board to be held as soon as conveniently may be, and the Chairman so elected shall hold office during the remainder of the term.
4. The Board— (a) shall supervise the teaching in the subjects of the First and Second Year Course taken by candidates for the degree ; (b) shall be responsible, with the assistance of such examiners as the Professorial Board may, on the report of the Board or of the Chairman, from time to time appoint, for the conduct of examinations in those subjects; (c) shall take cognisance of and encourage scholarship and research in those subjects ; (d) shall consider and report upon all matters referred to 'it by the Senate or by the Vice-Chancellor or by the Professorial Board; (e) may consider and report to the Professorial Board upon all matters relating to the studies, lectures and examinations for the degree.
5. (i) The degree shall be awarded in two grades, namely, the Pass degree, and the degree with Honours. There shall be three classes of Honours, namely, Class I, Class II and Class III.
By 1983 By Laws Chap XD 2.1, p.177 regulated the award of the degrees and diploma supervised by the Board of Studies in Music consisting of:
a) the Chairman of the Academic Board
b) the Dean of the faculty of Arts
c) the Professors, Readers, Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers and Senior Tutors being full time permanent or full time temporary members of the teaching staff in the Dept. of Music
d) not more than four other persons appointed by the Academic Board
e) not more than two other persons who are members of the Faculty of Arts appointed by the Academic Board on the of the Faculty of Arts
f) not more than two students at one of whom is an undergraduate student, elected in the manner and for the period prescribed by resolution of the Senate and
g) not more than three persons distinguished in the field of music, appointed by the Senate on the nomination of the Chairman of the Board with the approval of Board and the Academic Board.
The degrees awarded were:
(a) Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.);
(b) Master of Music (M.Mus.);
(c) Doctor of Music (D.Mus.); and
(d) Diploma in Musical Composition (Dip.Mus.Comp.)
Its role was described as: 4. The Board—
(a) shall supervise the teaching in the subjects with which the Board is concerned;
(b) shall be responsible, with the assistance of such examiners as the Academic Board may, on the report of the Board or of the Chairman, from time to time appoint, for the conduct of examinations in those subjects;
(c) shall take cognisance of and encourage scholarship and research in those subjects;
(d) shall consider and report upon all matters referred to it by the Senate or by the Vice Chancellor or by the Academic Board;
(e) may consider and report to the Academic Board upon all matters relating to the studies, lectures and examinations for the degrees.
At its meeting on 5 October 2004 Senate resolved to dissolve the Board of Studies in Music and repeal the associated Resolution of the Senate relating to the Board of Studies with immediate effect. [Res. 308/04] In 2005 the Department of Music amalgamated with the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, which had joined the University in 1990 during the amalgamation process following the Dawkins reforms of the tertiary education sector. [Introduction, Registrar's Report 2006 University Calendar, p.7]