"In September 1947 The Professorial Board approved the establishment of a Master of Education degree, supervision of which would be under a Board of Studies chaired by the chairman of the Professorial Board", footnote Prof. Board minutes 22 September 1947 and Senate minutes 7 June 1948, from Australia's First: a history of the University of Sydney Vol 2 1940-1990, p47. From University Calendar 1983 p 170, By Laws Chapter XB.2. The award of the degrees and diploma in Education shall be supervised by a Board of Studies in Education consisting of - a) The Professors, Readers, Associate Professors, Senior lecturers, Senior Tutors, Assistant Lecturers, and Tutors being full time permanent of fulltime temporary members of the teaching staff in the Department of Education b). First meeting of the Board of Education was in 1976.From http://sydney.edu.au/education_social_work/about/history/education.shtml. University Calendar 1986 now states Faculty of Education, no longer Board of Studies in Education.
Alternate IdentifierOld Control Number: G3/214Metadata StatusComplete
Board of Studies in Education (1977 to 1986), [AGN-00000038]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 12/02/2025, https://archives-search.sydney.edu.au/nodes/view/22682