Board of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Agriculture
The authority of faculties to establish postgraduate boards of studies is first mentioned in the 1972 Calendar under University By-law Chap VIII, 6. (2)6. (2) (a) Each Faculty may appoint one or more boards of postgraduate studies which shall be responsible for all matters relating to candidature for postgraduate degrees or diplomas.1 (b) Except in the case of a member of the full-time staff, a person who is a candidate for a postgraduate degree or diploma in the Faculty shall not be eligible for appointment to any Board appointed under subsection (2) (a). a slight change was made to part 6. (2) (a) this and the the new By-laws published in the 1976 Calendar note in Chap VIII 13 (1) that 'Each Faculty may appoint one or more boards of postgraduate studies which shall exercise, in respect of each candidate for a postgraduate degree or diploma, the powers and functions of the Faculty.'The constitution of a Board of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Architecture in 1980 was as follows: Pursuant to section 13 of Chapter VIII of the By-laws the Faculty appoints the following Board of Postgraduate Studies: All members of the Faculty of Agriculture, except the elected student members.[University Calendar 1980, p 261]In 1996 the constitution of the Board of Post Graduate Studies was as follows - Pursuant to the resolutions of the Senate the Faculty appoints the following Board of postgraduate Studies: Dean, Associate Dean (Post Graduate Studies), Professors, Heads of Department (or nominees). [University Calendar 1996, p.155]The Resolution of Senate determined:10. (1) Except where the Senate otherwise determines, each Faculty or College Board shall appoint from its members a Board of Postgraduate Studies which shall exercise in respect of each candidate for a postgraduate degree or diploma the powers and functions of the Faculty or College Board and shall exercise such other powers and functions in respect of postgraduate degrees and diplomas as the Faculty or College Board may determine. On 12 December 2016 the Senate adopted the University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and University Schools) Rule 2016. While this rule allowed: '(8) The faculty board of each faculty will establish a Postgraduate Research Education Committee. (9) The Postgraduate Research Education Committee will exercise the responsibilities of the faculty board in respect of each student admitted to candidature in a higher degree by research award course.'The faculty of Agriculture had ceased to exist. Senate had decided in December 2015 to reduce the number of faculties from 16 to six, with three additional schools reporting directly to the Provost, to come into effect 1 January 2017. [Senate resolution SEN_7/15_98]