Australian Language Research Centre
On November 2 1964 the Senate of the university ratified the constitution of the Australian Language Research Centre within the university as a foundation. The main goal was publishing a dictionary of the English language in Australia. This goal was achieved with the publication of the Macquarie Dictionary after a number of the Centre's founding members moved to Macquarie University. The Australian Language Research Centre then concentrated mainly on the study of the vocabulary of specific interest groups or industries. (Registered file 037/0002/00002)
From University Calendar 1980 p349
Based within the Department of English
The objects of the centre are to promote historical and descriptive studies of the English language in Australia and without restricting the generality of the foregoing in particular to
a) promote foster develop and assist within the department of English of the University of Sydney historical and descriptive studies of Australian English
b) recommend grants to the Department English for the purchase of plant, equipment and materials or otherwise
for the promotion of studies of the English language in Australia from funds raised by the Centre by way of fees, donations and the like
c) admit to membership of the centre persons, firms, companies, and associations whether incorporated or unincorporated and upon such terms and with such privileges as may be determined from time to time
d)recommend, arrange and sponsor the printing of publications and the issue thereof to members of the centre and others
e) arrange for lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations
f) assist the University to acquire and turn to account patents, patent rights of invention, copyright designs, trade-marks or secret processes
g) assist in arranging visits from abroad of experts in the English language
h) enter into any arrangement with any institution or association having objects similar to those in the Centre
i) solicit donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney for Australian language research from members of the public and
j)do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Senate Resolution 454/02
Senate approved the discontinuation of the Australian Language Centre as a Foundation, its continuation as a Centre in the Faculty of Arts and the transfer of funds to an account within the School of English, Art History, Film and Media to be used by the Centre for its activities [Senate Minutes 4 November 2002]