IdentifierAGN-00000018TypeAdministrationDate2000 to CurrentDescription
Senate approved the transfer of Archives and Records Management from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) to the General Counsel. (Senate Resolution 157/10, Senate Minutes 20 September 2010)
Within the Office of General Counsel, ARMS was responsible for appraisal, disposition, storage, arrangement, description, and facilitating access to those non-current records of the University deemed to be of continuing value. It also had responsibility for the University's compliance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and the State Records Act 1998.
As part of an internal restructure and the abolition of the Office of the Group Secretary, ARMS transferred to the University Governance Office joining the University Governance Office on 20 May 2022.
"Archives and Records Management Services (ARMS) provides a recordkeeping system for managing the University's registered files and documents, which can be in both paper and electronic format. It manages the University Archives which preserves the records of continuing value of the University. ARMS oversees access to the University's records and information in compliance with the NSW State Records Act, the Government Information (Public Access) Act and privacy legislation. ARMS also administers the Corporate Recordkeeping System, encompassing the University's administrative, staff and student files."
Archives and Records Management Services (ARMS) (2000 to Current), [AGN-00000018]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 11/02/2025,