Library Subcommittee
Library Committee [Professorial Board] (08/02/1973 to 1996)
Library and Information Technology Committee [Academic Board] (1996 to 13/10/1998)
Library Committee [Academic Board] (14/10/1998 to 2001)TypeBoard/Committee/CouncilDate17/03/1969 to 2007Description
The Senate Library Executive Committee recommended that the Senate Library Committee and the Library Executive Committee be abolished and a Library Advisory Committee be established under the Professorial Board. The Library Advisory Committee first met on 17/3/1969. The Committee was to advise the librarian on:
i) the library requirements of the University
ii) rules & regulations concerning the use of the library
iii) use of funds available for the development & maintenance of the collection
iv) any other relevant matters
The Library Advisory Committee consisted of:
a)Vice Chancellor
b) Deputy Vice Chancellor
c) Deputy principal
d) Chairman of the Professorial Board
e) the Registrar
f) Chairman of the Library Advisory council
g) and 10 other members of the permanent full time teaching staff of the university
At a meeting of Senate on 8 February 1973, a resolution was adopted (on the recommendation of the Professorial Board), to replace the existing resolutions of the Professorial Board relating to the Library Advisory Committee.
1. A Library Committee, being a committee of the Professorial Board, and consist of the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Deputy Principal, Chair of the Professorial Board, the Secretary, the Registrar, the Librarian, Associate Librarians, Chairman of the Library Committee, and, 15 members of the permanent full time teaching staff of the University.
In 1992 the function of the Library Committee was to consider and report on general library policy, to advise the Vice-Chancellor on the financial needs of the Library, to advise the University Librarian on the use of such funds as are from time to time allocated for expenditure to the University Librarian and on the rules and regulations concerning use of the Library, and consider and report on all matters referred to it by the Senate, the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor, the Chair of the Library Committee and the University Librarian. The University Librarian was to consult the Committee on the use of such funds as are from time to time allocated for expenditure on the Library [1993 Calendar, Academic Board March 1990].
In 1996, the Academic Board was restructured and the Library Committee was renamed Library and Information Technology Committee, it was defined as having the following responsibilities:
(a) consider and advise the Academic Board on:
(i) general Library policy and strategic development including the use of financial resources;
(ii) the adoption, dissemination and effectiveness of appropriate academic information policies within the University;
(iii) information and library issues relevant to academic policy and recommendations for new or amended policies;
(iv) the implementation and effectiveness of those policies, drawing to the attention of the Academic Board to any issues of concern;
(v) all matters referred to it by the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor or the University Librarian;
(b) communicate to the Academic Board new developments and needs in library and information matters;
(c) convene working parties as necessary.
The members of the Library Committee are:
(a) the Chair or the Chair's nominee who shall act as chair of that Committee;
(b) the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning);
(c) the University Librarian;
(d) the Assistant Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Information Technology);
(e) the Associate University Librarians;
(f) a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee nominated by the chair of that Committee;
(g) a member of the Research Committee nominated by the chair of that Committee;
(h) two academic staff members from each College nominated by the Chair of the Academic Board after consultation with the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor (College); and
(i) the Presidents of (i) the Students' Representative Council; and (ii) the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association or a person nominated by either of them and chosen from the undergraduate or postgraduate (as the case may be) members of the Academic Forum.
At its meeting on 14 October 1998 the Academic Board discussed amendments to its committee structure. Resolution 173/98 recommended to Senate that the Academic Governance Rules governing the Standing Committees of the Academic Board be amended with immediate effect, as set out in the report presented. In regard to the Library & Information Technology Committee: It is recommended that Rule 13.1 and Rule 18 of the Academic Governance amended by the disestablishment of the Library and Information Technology Committee and the establishment of the Library Committee in its stead. The responsibilities of the Library & Information Technology Committee will be transferred to other Standing Committees of the Academic Board as follows:
- in relation to information, technology and teaching to the Teaching and Learning Committee
- in relation to research to the Research Committee
- in relation to the Library, to the Library Committee (which it is now recommended to be established).
The newly constituted Library Committee met in May 1999. (see resolution 144/99, Academic Board 12 May 1999)
2001 saw a review of the Academic Board and the Academic Forum. The review ultimately led to the replacement of the Library Committee with the Library Sub-Committee reporting to the Teaching and Learning Committee. The purpose of the Library Sub-Committee was to advise the Teaching and Learning Committee about Resolutions, policy and procedures relating to the effective integration of the library and its resources into the University's teaching, learning, research and scholarship endeavours. For the full terms of reference see papers of the Academic Board meeting 13 November 2002, pp. 21-22. The new structure and functions came into force on 1 January 2004. See Senate 5 April 2004, Item 8B.2.1 Report of the Chair of the Academic Board.
Then, in November 2006, the Academic Board approved a further realignment of its committees. The removal of the Library Sub-Committee from 2007 was noted in the minutes of the November 2006 meeting.