Haswell, William Aitcheson (WA)
[References, unless stated otherwise: Australian Dictionary of Biography (1983); Proceedings Linnean Society NSW (1928) vol LIII pp485-98]
Born....Edinburgh 1854 Education...University of Edinburgh MA 1877, BSc 1878, DSc 1887
1879....11 publications, mainly on marine zoology, 9 in Proceedings Linnean Society of NSW
1879 Dec....Appointed curator Queensland Museum
1879-1918...Trustee, Sydney Zoological (Biological) Station (SU Archives G72)
1881....survey of Great Barrier Reef, studied crustaceans; series of 20 lectures on zoology at Garden Palace/auspices of the NSW Linnean Society
1881+...council member of the Linnean Society of NSW
1882....appointed to "demostratorship in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology and in Histology" (University Senate Minutes Oct 1882)
1883-4..acting curator, Australian Museum Sydney (Senate Minutes Mar 1883)
1884....applied for title: lecturer in zoology and comparative anatomy and demonstrator in histology; granted in November (Senate Minutes Sept/Nov 1884)
1888....re-appointed with title: Lecturer in Biology (Senate Minutes Nov 1888)
1879-89.....approx 70 research publications, especially in Proceedings of Linnean Society NSW
1890,1 March....appointed to Challis Chair of Biology (Senate Minutes July 1889)
1891-1923.....trustee of the Australian Museum, Sydney
1894....married Josephine Rich.
1897....elected Fellow of Royal Society of London. A textbook of Zoology, in collaboration with Prof T J Parker, Otago University New Zealand, published in London.
1908.... A textbook of Zoology translated into Russian.
1911-24..Administration/editing: Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14 (SU Archives P168; Australian Museum Library)
1913.... A textbook of Zoology abridged as A Manual of Zoology.
1914 Aug... Senate agrees to Haswell's request to change name of Department/Challis Chair changed from Biology to Zoology (SU Archives G3/13/11134; Senate Minutes Aug 1914)
1915....awarded Clark Memorial Medal by NSW Royal Society "in recognition of your scientific labours, and more particularly on account of your very valuable contributions dealing with Natural History of Australia."(correspondence in Australian Museum Library)
1917....Negotiated with NSW Government to print biological reports of Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14 (SU Archives P168, Australian Museum Library)
1917, 31 Dec... retired (Senate Minutes/correspondence in Australian Museum Library)
1918.... appointed Emeritus Professor (Senate Minutes)
c1919...appointed to Committee on Printing Records of Australasian Antarctic Expedition (Australian Museum Library)
1925, 24 Jan....died of heart disease.
RESEARCH FIELD: marine crusctacea, annelida, bryozoa in Australia.
Medals awarded to Haswell by the University of Edinburgh and the Royal Society of NSW were received from Haswell's daughter Mary in 1981 (see University file 45/017).