Connell, William Fraser
Born: 28 June 1916, Lockhart, NSW
Died: 17 August 2001, Mornington, Victoria
Family: Father, J.H.G. Connell, engineer and designer of the Cotter Dam, ACT; Mother, ? (3 sons)
Married: 20 December 1939, Margaret L. Peck (1 son, 2 daughters)
1921 to 1926 Glenferrie State School
1927 to 1929 Mont Albert Central School
1930 to 1934 Melbourne Church of England Grammar School
1935 University of Melbourne, Trinity College
MA First Class Honours (thesis: "Roman Historiography form Suetonius to Orosius")
Bed Harold and Freda Cohen Prize for Education
Med (thesis: "Education in the Third Century of the Roman Empire") Harold and Freda Cohen Prize for Education
1946 University of London
PhD (thesis: "The Educational Thought and Influence of Matthew Arnold")
University of Illinois
1939 to 1941 History Master, Barker College, Sydney
1941 to 1942 Headmaster, Newcastle Church of England Grammar School
1942 to 1945 Lieutenant, RANVR
1945 to 1946 Lecturer, Education, University of Melbourne
1947 Attended UNESCOs inaugural education seminar
1949 to 1950 Visiting Professor of Education, University of California at Los Angeles
1950 Visiting Professor, University of Illinois
1951 to 1953 Senior Lecturer, Education, University of Sydney
1954 to 1955 Reader, Education, University of Sydney
1955 to 1976 Professor of Education, University of Sydney (appointed by Senate at 5/12/1955 meeting)
1959 Visiting Fulbright Professor of Education, Columbia University and University of Illinois
1963 Visiting Scholar, University of London Institute of Education
1964 Chairman, UNESCO Australian Education Committee
1966 to 1967 Member, Centre for Advanced Study, University of Illinois
1970 William Evans Visiting Professor, University of Otago, NZ
1970 to 19? Chairman, Australian National Committee on Social Science Teaching
1976 Retired; made Emeritus Professor
1977 Mackie Medal for significant contributions to education, awarded by the Australia and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, Social Science Research Council Australia
Chairman, Sydney Kindergarten Training College Council
Foundation Editor, Australian Journal of Education
The Educational Thought and Influence of Matthew Arnold, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1950
Co-author, Growing Up in an Australian City; a study of adolescents in Sydney, Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, 1957
The Foundations of Secondary Education, Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, 1961
Co-author, The Foundations of Education, Ian Novak, Sydney, 1962
Co-author, The University and Its Community, 1964
Co-author, Readings in the Foundation of Education, Novak, Sydney, 1966
Co-author, Teaching Social Science in Secondary Schools, 1969
Co-editor, China at school, Ian Novak Publishing Co., Sydney, [1973?]
Co-author, 12 to 20: studies of city youth, Hicks Smith & Sons, Sydney, 1975
Co-editor, Studying the local community: education in action, George Allen & Unwin Australia, Hornsby, NSW, 1978
Contributor and member of committee, "Tasmanian education: next decade (TEND); Report of the Committee to the Hon. H.N. Holgate", Minister for Education, Recreation, and the Arts, Government Printer, Hobart, 1978
A History of Education in the Twentieth Century World, Curriculum Development Centre, Canberra, 1980
The Australian Council for Educational Research, 1930-80, Australian Council for Educational Research, Hawthorn, Vic., 1980
Reshaping Australian Education 1960 to 1985, ACER, Hawthorn, Vic., 1993
Co-author, Australia's First, University of Sydney,
See University of Sydney Archives Biography File No. 351 for further information and other publications. An extensive obituary can be found in AJE, Vol. 45, #3, 2001, pp. 231-236.