IdentifierBLD-00000020StatusCurrentConstruction Date1960 to 1965CampusGadigal (Cadigal) - Camperdown/DarlingtonGeographical LocationEastern Avenue, Camperdown NSW 2006Map[1] Architect/BuilderArchitect: Stafford Moor and FarringtonDescription
The Buildings and Grounds Committee put forward to Senate on 6 April 1959 that the "Pre-professional and Mathematics Building" be named "Carslaw Building" [Ref 1], after Professor Horatio Scott Carslaw, Professor of Mathematics from 1903 to 1934 [Ref 2].
ReferencesRef 1: Senate Minutes 1958-1959 (1958 to 1959), p. 170, [REF-00070372]. University of Sydney Archives, accessed 28/11/2023,
Ref 2: Howells, Trevor. 2007. University of Sydney Architecture, p. 81. The Watermark Press.