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- Moving Image1
- Photograph154
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- Album 2
- Born Digital 70
- Negative/Positive 9
- Print 73
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- COVID-19 57
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- Aerial Views of Campuses and Surrounds [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 619) 37
- Digital Photographs [Marketing and Communications] (Series 1695) 9
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 13
- Newsphoto Negatives [Publications Office] (Series 771) 1
- Photograph Prints, Negatives, Transparencies [Publications Office] (Series 772) 19
- Photographic Prints [Buildings and Grounds/Facilities Management Office] (Series 718) 1
- Photographic Prints [Department of Illustration] (Series 272) 6
- Photographic Records of Building Works to 1980 [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 620) 2
- Photographs Taken During Welcome Fest/Week [University Archives] (Series 1559) 3
- Photographs [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1108) 2
- Photographs [Publications Office] (Series 651) 3
- Photographs of Camperdown Campus During COVID-19 [University Archives] (Series 1354) 57
- Photographs of the Quadrangle [David White] (Series 1135) 1
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- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 36
- Blackburn Building (D06) 2
- Carslaw Building (F07) 1
- Chau Chak Wing Museum (F21) 1
- Chemical Engineering Building (J01) 1
- Chemistry Building (F11) 23
- Civil and Mining Engineering Building (J05) 1
- Edgeworth David Building (F05) 2
- Edward Ford Building (A27) 1
- Electrical Engineering Building (J03) 2
- Fisher Library and Stack (F03 and F04) 154
- Footbridge Theatre (A09A) 1
- Institute Building (H03) 1
- International House (G06) 4
- John Woolley Building (A20) 2
- Keith Murray Footbridge, City Road (F20) 1
- Madsen Building (F09) 27
- Manning House (A23) 1
- Oval No 1 (D03) 31
- Parramatta Road Footbridge (K04) 1
- Physics Building (A28) 3
- Sancta Sophia College (CG7) 3
- St Andrew's College 1
- St Paul's College (CG1) 5
- Stephen Roberts Theatre (F06) 1
- Sydney University Regiment (H01) 1
- TAG Family Foundation Grandstand (B23) 31
- The Quadrangle (A14) 37
- The Women's College (CG4) 1
- Wesley College (CG3) 1
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