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- Document1
- Photograph662
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- Born Digital 4
- Negative/Positive 395
- Print 263
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- 70 Years, 70 Stories 1
- Admin 1 3
- Admin 2 10
- Admin 5 3
- Admin 6 1
- Alumni Festival 1
- Animals in the Archives 3
- Archives Staff Picks 2
- Carillon 1
- Commemoration 6
- Fashion 2
- Favourite Four 2
- Flashback Friday 4
- Gordon Bradley Lowe Photographs 2
- Is This You? 4
- John Smith Photographs 72
- O Week 1
- Political Economy 1
- Protests 3
- Sports 4
- Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) 12
- Sydney Teachers College (STC) Photographs 3
- The Quadrangle 1
- Then and Now 1
- Top 100 9
- University Staff 2
- University Students 2
- Visits to the University 1
- Welcome Program 1
- Women of the University 7
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- Aerial Views of Campuses and Surrounds [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 619) 34
- Daguerreotypes [John Smith] (Series 1180) 4
- Glass Plate Negatives Attributed to Edward Hufton (Series 806) 5
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 1
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 257
- Newsphoto Negatives [Publications Office] (Series 771) 6
- Notebooks and Papers [Edmund Thomas Blacket] (Series 1324) 1
- Photograph Prints, Negatives, Transparencies [Publications Office] (Series 772) 51
- Photographic Prints [Buildings and Grounds/Facilities Management Office] (Series 718) 2
- Photographic Record of Building Program Since 2004 [Facilities Management Office/Campus Infrastructure Services (CIS)] (Series 719) 15
- Photographs [Gordon Bradley Lowe] (Series 1200) 2
- Photographs [John Smith] (Series 803) 70
- Photographs [School of Chemistry] (Series 218) 139
- Photographs of the White Bay Rozelle SCA Building [Sydney College of the Arts (SCA)] (Series 1188) 12
- Photographs on Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1458) 1
- Portraits [Publications Office] (Series 773) 52
- Stereograph Prints of Edward Hufton and John Smith Negatives [Ernest Brougham Docker] (Series 807) 3
- Stereoscope Photographs from the John Smith Collection [David Macmillan] [Macleay Museum] (Series 808) 8
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- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 3
- Badham Building (A16) 1
- Baxter's Lodge (F02) 1
- Edgeworth David Building (A11) 1
- Edward Ford Building (A27) 2
- Holme Building (A09) 1
- JD Stewart Building (B01) 2
- John Woolley Building (A20) 3
- Merewether Building (H04) 1
- Old Teachers College (A22) 1
- Oval No 1 (D03) 1
- Sancta Sophia College (CG7) 1
- St John's College (CG6) 2
- St Paul's College (CG1) 9
- The Quadrangle (A14) 59
- The Women's College (CG4) 5
- Victor Coppleson Building (D02) 1
- Wentworth Building (G01) 2
- Wesley College (CG3) 2
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