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- Book of Remembrance [War Memorial Committee] (Series 280) 1
- Cuttings and General Descriptions of Events of the Law School Comforts Fund [Law School Comforts Fund] (Series 1570) 3
- Exhibition Catalogues [Sydney College of the Arts (SCA)] (Series 1221) 14
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in Queensland [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 725) 1
- Graduating Students Exhibition Catalogues [Sydney College of the Arts (SCA)] (Series 1213) 24
- Law School Comforts Fund Publications [Law School Comforts Fund] (Series 1574) 9
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 5
- Miscellaneous Records [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 1244) 2
- Papers Relating to the Civil Engineering Profession [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1107) 1
- Papers by Sir Bruce Rodda (BR) Williams [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] [Vice Chancellor II] (Series 228) 2
- Personal Documents [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1408) 1
- Printed Material [Centenary Celebrations Committee] (Series 395) 1
- Printed Material [Faculty of Agriculture] (Series 1374) 4
- Printed Publications [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 625) 8
- Printed Publications [Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) Administration] (Series 611) 5
- Publications Held [Sydney Peace Foundation] (Series 1703) 3
- Publications [Engineering Undergraduates Association] (Series 1648) 1
- Publications [Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE) Academic Registrar's Division] (Series 456) 5
- Publications [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Office of the Principal] (Series 516) 13
- Publications and Reference Material Relating to Aboriginal Education [Aboriginal Education Centre/Koori Centre] (Series 1160) 2
- Publications and Reports [New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies] [Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS) Registrar] (Series 705) 1
- Records of Service [Law School Comforts Fund] (Series 1572) 2
- The Legal Digest [Law School Comforts Fund] (Series 1573) 1
- University Publications [University Archives] (Series 714) 314
- University of Sydney Calendar [Registrar] (Series 827) 166
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