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- Document5
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- Minutes13
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- Moving Image1
- Photograph306
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- 2020s 306
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- Born Digital 306
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- COVID-19 171
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- Digitised Photographs Donated to the University Archives (Series 1229) 2
- Photographs Taken During Welcome Fest/Week [University Archives] (Series 1559) 75
- Photographs [Chau Chak Wing Museum] (Series 1593) 16
- Photographs of Camperdown Campus During COVID-19 [University Archives] (Series 1354) 171
- Pro-Palestinian Protest Encampment Photographs [University Archives] (Series 1676) 42
- Building - Related...
- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 3
- Bank Building (A15) 2
- Brennan MacCallum Building (A18) 1
- Carslaw Building (F07) 2
- Chau Chak Wing Museum (F21) 15
- Chemistry Building (F11) 1
- Education Building (A35) 2
- Fisher Library and Stack (F03 and F04) 60
- Footbridge Theatre (A09A) 2
- Holme Building (A09) 3
- Jane Foss Russell Building (G02) 4
- Keith Murray Footbridge, City Road (F20) 1
- Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LEES) Building (F22) 2
- Manning House (A23) 20
- Michael Spence Building (F23) 5
- New Law Building (F10) 6
- Old Teachers College (A22) 1
- Oval No 1 (D03) 3
- Pharmacy Building (A15) 1
- Physics Building (A28) 1
- RC Mills Building (A26) 1
- Sports Union Tennis Courts and Pavilion (A25) 5
- Sydney University Sports & Aquatic Centre (SUSAC) (G09) 1
- TAG Family Foundation Grandstand (B23) 2
- The Arena Sports Centre (A30) 2
- The Quadrangle (A14) 22
- Verge Gallery 2
- Wentworth Building (G01) 3
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- Booklet 61
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