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- Audio88
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Reel 88
- Collection...
- Series...
- Audio Recordings [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 740) 3
- Copy Recordings from Original Reel to Reel Tapes [Arthur Delbridge] [Alexander George (AG) Mitchell] (Series 845) 84
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 1
- Reel to Reel Tapes [Arthur Delbridge] [Alexander George (AG) Mitchell] (Series 844) 84
- Person - Related...
- Document1567
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Card 1
- Document 405
- File 1087
- Manuscript 3
- Microform 1
- Notebook 15
- Other 1
- Report 29
- Unassessed 23
- Volume 2
- Subject...
- Language...
- Alawa Language (N92) (NT SD53-10) 3
- Anindilyakwa / Enindhilyagwa / Warnindilyakwa Language (N151) (NT SD53-12) 1
- Arandic Language Group 1
- Awabakal Language (S66) (NSW SI56-05) 1
- Birpai / Biripi Language (E3) (NSW SH56-14) 2
- Birrbay language E3 1
- Bundjalung / Banjalang Language (E12) (NSW SH56-02) 4
- Dhalwangu Language (N143.1) (NT SD53-03) 1
- Dharawal / Tharawal / Dariwal Language (S59) (NSW SI56-09) 1
- Dhurga Language (S53) (NSW SI56-13) 1
- Dieric Language Group 1
- Djambarrpuyngu Language (N115) (NT SD53-03) 2
- Djauan Language (N57) (NT SD53-09) 10
- Djirringany / Dyirringany Language (S51) (NSW SJ55-04) 1
- Galibal Language (E15) (NSW SH56-03) 1
- Gamilaraay / Gamilaroi / Kamilaroi Language (D23) (NSW SH55-12) 2
- Gathang language E67 1
- Geawegal Language (E1) (NSW SI56-01) 1
- Geawegal language E1 1
- Githabul Language (E14) (NSW SH56-02) 2
- Gumbaynggir / Gumbainggirr Language (E7) (NSW SH56-11) 2
- Gundjeihmi / Kundjeymi Language (N71) (NT SD53-01) 1
- Gunwinggu / Gunwinygu / Kunwinjku Language (N65) (NT SD53-02) 2
- Gurrgoni / Guragone / Gungurugoni Language (N75) (NT SD53-02) 1
- Iwaidja / Yiwayja / Yiwadya Language (N39) (NT SC53-13) 1
- Kabi Kabi Language (E29) (Qld SG56-06) 1
- Kalkatungu / Kalkadoon Language (G13) (Qld SF54-02) 1
- Karajarri Language (A64) (WA SE51-10) 1
- Karawa Language (N155) (NT SE53-08) 1
- Kariyarra Language (W39) (WA SF50-10) 1
- Kattang Language (E2) (NSW SI56-02) 2
- Kaytetye / Kaytej Language (C13) (NT SF53-06) 1
- Kogai / Gogai Language (D38) (Qld SG55-16) 1
- Luritja / Loritja Language (C7.1) (NT SG52-04) 2
- Martu Wangka Language (A51.1) (WA SF51-12) 1
- Maung / Mawng Language (N64) (NT SC53-13) 1
- Mayali / Mayawarli Language (N44) (NT SD53-01) 5
- Nakkara / Nagara Language (N80) (NT SD53-02) 1
- Ndjebbana / Gunavidji / Gunibidji Language (N74) (NT SD53-02) 1
- Ngaanyatjarra Language (A38) (WA SG51-08) 1
- Ngalgbun (Ngalgpun) 1
- Ngarigu / Ngarigo Language (S46) (NSW SJ55-04) 2
- Ngiyampaa / Wangaaybuwan / Wongaibon Language (D18) (NSW SI55-02) 1
- Nunggubuyu Language (N128) (NT SD53-11) 1
- Nyiyaparli Language (A50) (WA SF51-13) 1
- Paakantyi / Paakantji / Barkindji Language (D12) (NSW SI54-03) 1
- Pintupi Language (C10) (NT SF52-11) 1
- Pitjantjatjara Language (C6) (NT SG52-11) 1
- Rembarrnga Language (N73) (NT SD53-06) 12
- Tharawal Language (S59) (NSW SI56-09) 1
- Tiwi Language (N20) (NT SC52-16) 1
- Tiwi people (N20) (NT SC52-16) 2
- Waka Waka / Wakka Wakka Language (E28) (Qld SG56-10) 1
- Wakaya Language (C16) (NT SE53-15) 1
- Waljen Language (A11) (WA SH51-06) 2
- Wanarruwa language S63 1
- Wangkatha / Wongatha / Wangkathaa Language (A12) (WA SH52-05) 2
- Wangkatja People (A12) (WA SH51-06) 2
- Wanyiwarlku Language (D21) (NSW SH54-12) 1
- Warlpiri Language (C15) (NT SF52-04) 3
- Warndarrang / Warndarang Language (N120) (NT SD53-11) 1
- Warumungu Language (C18) (NT SE53-01) 2
- Wawula Language (A29) (WA SG51-05) 1
- Wilyali Language (D13) (NSW SH54-15) 1
- Wiradjuri Language (D10) (NSW SI55-07) 5
- Wirdinya Language (A49) (WA SF51-13) 1
- Wonnarua / Wanaruah Language (S63) (NSW SI56-01) 1
- Worimi / Gadang / Kattang Language (E2) (NSW SI56-02) 2
- Worrorra Language (K17) (WA SD51-16) 1
- Yangman Language (N68) (NT SD53-13) 4
- Yanyuwa / Yanuwa Language (N153) (NT SE53-04) 2
- Yaygir / Yaegl Language (E10) (NSW SH56-07) 1
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- Series...
- Administrative Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] (Series 624) 22
- Administrative Files [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Registrar] (Series 472) 1
- Administrative Records [Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE)] (Series 1262) 1
- Appointment to Chairs Files [Registrar] (Series 138) 39
- Book of Remembrance Research Files [Honorary Archivists] (Series 284) 1
- Building Index Cards [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 997) 1
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 8
- Circulars, Draft Papers and Reports [Association for the Protection of Native Races (APNR)] (Series 817) 3
- Correspondence Relating to Collaboration with CSIR [Department of Aeronautical Engineering] (Series 355) 3
- Correspondence Relating to Professor Schafroth's Appointment at the University [Max Robert Schafroth] [School of Physics] (Series 1581) 2
- Correspondence [Association for the Protection of Native Races (APNR)] (Series 818) 3
- Correspondence [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1082) 2
- Correspondence [Iven Giffard Mackay] (Series 1684) 2
- Correspondence [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1103) 2
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Chemical Engineering, Engineering Technology and Mining Engineering [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 366) 2
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Courses and Students [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 365) 8
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Personnel [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 364) 1
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Research [Department of Aeronautical Engineering] (Series 352) 3
- Correspondence and Reports Relating to Teaching [Department of Aeronautical Engineering] (Series 353) 4
- Correspondence of Australian Government, Australian Aeronautics Council and Other Bodies [Department of Aeronautical Engineering] (Series 357) 3
- Course Notes and Workbooks [Department of Psychology Museum] (Series 782) 2
- Director's Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium Music Office of the Director] (Series 644) 2
- Documentation of Recordings [Arthur Delbridge] [Alexander George (AG) Mitchell] (Series 843) 100
- Examination Results [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Registrar] (Series 461) 18
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in New South Wales [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 724) 11
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in Northeast South Australia [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 723) 1
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in Queensland [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 725) 3
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in the Kimberleys [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 722) 1
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in the Northern Territory [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 726) 29
- General Correspondence and Other Records [Department of Aeronautical Engineering] (Series 354) 9
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 134) 56
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 44) 172
- Josiah Mason Lecture Transcripts [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 789) 1
- Kunimaipa Language [Annie Margaret McArthur] (Series 1515) 1
- Kunimaipa Vocabulary Cards [Annie Margaret McArthur] (Series 1516) 1
- Lecture Notes and Papers Relating to Her Time at University [Vanessa Mack] (Series 1360) 1
- Letters Received by Professor Schafroth Relating to Physics Research [Max Robert Schafroth] [School of Physics] (Series 1580) 4
- Letters Sent by Professor Schafroth [Max Robert Schafroth] [School of Physics] (Series 1579) 1
- Manuscript Material [Association for the Protection of Native Races (APNR)] (Series 821) 1
- Matriculation and Scholarship Examination Results [Registrar (Examinations)] (Series 178) 10
- Miscellaneous Administrative Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] (Series 645) 9
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 57
- Miscellaneous Material of John Anderson's Including Literary Society Minutes (Series 1624) 2
- Miscellaneous Official Record Items [Registrar] (Series 92) 1
- Miscellaneous Records [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 1244) 10
- Operas and Concerts [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Concert Organiser] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 646) 40
- Papers and Reports [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] [Vice Chancellor II] (Series 262) 29
- Papers of Professor Frank Stanley Cotton (Series 1653) 1
- Personal - Miscellaneous Correspondence/Working Papers [Richard Elliss Bodenham Makinson] (Series 1611) 2
- Personal - Published Works Citing Makinson/ Related Printed Matter [Richard Elliss Bodenham Makinson] (Series 1612) 1
- Personal Correspondence and Notebook [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1083) 1
- Personnel/Staff Files [Registrar] (Series 136) 520
- Publications [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Office of the Principal] (Series 516) 4
- Published Papers, Lecture Notes and Research Material Relating to Aspects of Indigenous Cultures [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 732) 1
- RecFind Multiple Number Administrative Files [Registrar] (Series 715) 15
- Records Relating to the 1952 Centenary Celebrations [Howard James (HJ) Buchan] (Series 998) 4
- Records Relating to the Technical Advisory Panel of the Sydney Opera House Executive Committee [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1105) 1
- Records [School of Physics] (Series 324) 237
- Records of the Oxometrical Society (Series 1637) 3
- Report of Director [Centenary Celebrations Committee] (Series 393) 1
- Report of Inaugural Public Meeting [Centenary Celebrations Committee] (Series 394) 1
- Reports and Publications by Others Relating to First Nations Peoples in Western Australia [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 727) 5
- Research - Copies of Records Created at CSIRO [Bernard Yarnton Mills] (Series 1585) 2
- Research Papers and Correspondence [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 780) 2
- Road Safety Council of New South Wales Papers [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 754) 3
- Special Medicine Examination Results Sheets [Registrar (Examinations)] (Series 177) 2
- Subject Files [Department of Tutorial Classes] (Series 258) 1
- Subject Files [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] [Vice-Chancellor I] [Vice-Chancellor II] (Series 268) 21
- Terminated Staff Files [Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE) Staff and Personnel Office] (Series 437) 54
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- Person - Related...
- Building - Related...
- Map2
- Minutes26
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Volume 26
- Collection...
- Series...
- General, Executive and Joint Executive Minutes [Centenary Celebrations Committee] (Series 392) 1
- Minutes [Archives Committee] (Series 14) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Divinity] (Series 47) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in School of Social Sciences] (Series 43) 1
- Minutes [Buildings and Grounds Committee] (Series 4) 2
- Minutes [Evening Students Association (ESA)] (Series 1677) 1
- Minutes [Faculty of Architecture] (Series 41) 1
- Minutes [Faculty of Law/University of Sydney Law School] (Series 33) 2
- Minutes [Library Committee] (Series 350) 1
- Minutes [Library Executive Committee] (Series 351) 1
- Minutes [Nuclear Research Foundation/Science Foundation for Physics] [Nuclear Research Foundation Council] (Series 51) 1
- Minutes [Postgraduate Medical Foundation Council/Medical Foundation Council/Sydney Medical School Foundation Council] (Series 187) 1
- Minutes [Professorial Board] (Series 25) 2
- Minutes [Senate] (Series 1) 8
- Minutes [Standing Committee of Convocation/University of Sydney Alumni Council] (Series 150) 1
- Minutes of Annual General Meetings [Postgraduate Medical Foundation/Medical Foundation/Sydney Medical School Foundation] (Series 189) 1
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- Board of Studies in Divinity 1
- Board of Studies in School of Social Sciences 1
- Centenary Celebrations Committee 1
- Evening Students Association (ESA) 1
- Fisher Library 2
- Sydney Medical School Foundation 1
- Sydney Medical School Foundation Council 1
- University Archives 1
- University Library 2
- University of Sydney Alumni Council 1
- University of Sydney Law School 2
- University of Sydney Physics Foundation Council 1
- University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning 1
Show More - Position - Related...
- Moving Image1
- Photograph680
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Album 3
- Born Digital 10
- Negative/Positive 79
- Print 587
- Subject...
- Collection...
- 70 Years, 70 Stories 6
- Admin 1 5
- Admin 2 7
- Admin 3 1
- Admin 5 2
- Admin 6 2
- Alumni Festival 3
- Commemoration 2
- Fashion 6
- Favourite Four 3
- John Smith Photographs 3
- O Week 1
- PowerPoint Slides 2
- School of Physics 46
- Sports 2
- Sydney Teachers College (STC) Photographs 2
- The Quadrangle 1
- Top 100 6
- University Staff 2
- Visits to the University 9
- Welcome Program 3
- Women of the University 1
Show More - Series...
- Aerial Views of Campuses and Surrounds [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 619) 2
- Annual Group Photographs [Evening Students Association (ESA)] (Series 859) 1
- Annual Group Photographs [Students Representative Council (SRC)] (Series 858) 4
- Emeritus Professor Harry Messel in Conversation with Emeritus Professor Dame Leonie Kramer [School of Physics] (Series 834) 33
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 9
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 145
- Photograph Albums [School of Physics] (Series 1201) 2
- Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks [Department of Botany] [School of Biological Sciences] (Series 343) 1
- Photographic Prints [Department of Illustration] (Series 272) 281
- Photographs [Department of Psychology Museum] (Series 781) 1
- Photographs [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 1245) 14
- Photographs [Faculty of Agriculture] (Series 318) 4
- Photographs [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1108) 9
- Photographs [Publications Office] (Series 651) 15
- Photographs [Ruby Violet Payne-Scott] (Series 1147) 1
- Photographs [School of Chemistry] (Series 218) 94
- Photographs of Physics III and IV Students [School of Physics] (Series 1560) 10
- Research - Copies of Records Created at CSIRO [Bernard Yarnton Mills] (Series 1585) 40
- Stereoscope Photographs from the John Smith Collection [David Macmillan] [Macleay Museum] (Series 808) 14
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- Person - Related...
- Alexander Mackie 1
- Blackburn, Charles Bickerton (CB) 57
- Blacket, Edmund Thomas 2
- Bland, Francis Armand 2
- Cowan, Henry Jacob (HJ) 1
- Gamble, Allan Allman 2
- Harry Messel 1
- Holme, Ernest Rudolph (ER) 1
- Mackay, Iven Giffard 9
- Mackie, Alexander 1
- Maze, Wilson Harold (WH) 10
- Messel, Harry 22
- Osborn, Theodore George Bentley (TGB) 2
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck 1
- Roberts, Stephen Henry 96
- Roderick, John William (JW) 4
- Room, Thomas Gerald 1
- Smith, John 3
- Stout, Alan Ker 2
- William Matthew O'Neil 1
- Woolley, John 1
Show More - Building - Related...
- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 1
- Badham Building (A16) 2
- Bank Building (A15) 1
- Chemistry Building (F11) 11
- Fisher Library and Stack (F03 and F04) 3
- JD Stewart Building (B01) 1
- John Woolley Building (A20) 1
- Madsen Building (F09) 2
- Manning House (A23) 2
- Old Teachers College (A22) 7
- Oval No 1 (D03) 2
- Pharmacy Building (A15) 1
- Physics Building (A28) 2
- Services Building (G12) 1
- St Andrew's College 1
- TAG Family Foundation Grandstand (B23) 2
- The Quadrangle (A14) 25
- The Quadrangle (A14) 2
- Wallace Theatre (A21) 1
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- Plan49
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Series...
- Building - Related...
- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 1
- Bank Building (A15) 1
- Baxter's Lodge (F02) 1
- Blackburn Building (D06) 3
- Botany Annex Building (A13) 1
- Crommelin Biological Research Station (E01) 1
- Edward Ford Building (A27) 4
- Fisher Library and Stack (F03 and F04) 2
- Holme Building (A09) 2
- Institute Building (H03) 1
- JD Stewart Building (B01) 2
- Macleay Building (A12) 3
- Madsen Building (F09) 2
- Pharmacy Building (A15) 1
- RD Watt Building (A04) 1
- Ross Street Building (A03) 1
- Sancta Sophia College (CG7) 1
- The Quadrangle (A14) 17
- The Round House (B11) 1
- Transient Building (F12) 1
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- Publication224
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Book 23
- Booklet 79
- Born Digital 10
- Handbook 21
- Journal 3
- Magazine 21
- Newsletter 8
- Other 5
- Program 27
- Report 8
- Unassessed 19
Show More - Collection...
- Series...
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 1
- Lecture Notes and Papers Relating to Her Time at University [Vanessa Mack] (Series 1360) 2
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 2
- Operas and Concerts [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Concert Organiser] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 646) 10
- Printed Material [Centenary Celebrations Committee] (Series 395) 9
- Printed Material [Faculty of Agriculture] (Series 1374) 3
- Printed Publications [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 625) 2
- Publications [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Office of the Principal] (Series 516) 32
- Publications and Reports [New South Wales College of Paramedical Studies] [Cumberland College of Health Sciences (CCHS) Registrar] (Series 705) 2
- Records [Faculty of Dentistry] (Series 194) 1
- Records [School of Physics] (Series 324) 3
- Subject Files [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] [Vice-Chancellor I] [Vice-Chancellor II] (Series 268) 6
- University Publications [University Archives] (Series 714) 127
- University of Sydney Calendar [Registrar] (Series 827) 14
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- Register20
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- Primary Format...
- Volume 20
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- Digitised Only
- Not Digitised
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