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- Document587
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Born Digital 16
- Card 1
- Document 463
- File 60
- Manuscript 5
- Microform 2
- Notebook 13
- Report 4
- Unassessed 20
- Volume 3
- Subject...
- Collection...
- Series...
- Addresses and Memoranda [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1660) 1
- Administrative Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] (Series 624) 2
- Book of Remembrance Research Files [Honorary Archivists] (Series 284) 318
- Building Index Cards [Buildings and Grounds] (Series 997) 1
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 52
- Correspondence Relating to 1896-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1456) 2
- Correspondence [Association for the Protection of Native Races (APNR)] (Series 818) 1
- Correspondence [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1082) 8
- Correspondence and Legal Papers [Jane Juliana Pell] [Morris Birkbeck Pell] (Series 1693) 5
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Chemical Engineering, Engineering Technology and Mining Engineering [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 366) 1
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Courses and Students [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 365) 2
- Course Notes and Workbooks [Department of Psychology Museum] (Series 782) 1
- E and F Series Field Notebooks and Related Records [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 788) 8
- Engineering III/IV Student Reports [Department of Civil Engineering] (Series 360) 3
- Examination Results Sheets [Registrar (Examinations)] (Series 173) 1
- Examination Results [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Registrar] (Series 461) 7
- Field Notebooks of 1907-1909 British Antarctic Expedition [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1448) 1
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 134) 5
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 44) 16
- Kenneth Knowlton Saxby Personal Papers [Honorary Archivists] (Series 1502) 16
- Miscellaneous Administrative Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] (Series 645) 4
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 48
- Miscellaneous Official Record Items [Registrar] (Series 92) 3
- Miscellaneous Records [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 1244) 11
- Norfolk Island Enquiry Documents [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1403) 3
- Notebooks and Papers [Edmund Thomas Blacket] (Series 1324) 1
- Operas and Concerts [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Concert Organiser] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 646) 1
- Papers Concerning the Roderick Family [John William (JW) Roderick] (Series 1104) 1
- Papers Relating to Military Service of Francis Badham Oliver [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1388) 12
- Papers Relating to the University Extension Board [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1079) 3
- Personal Records [Iven Giffard Mackay] (Series 1683) 2
- Personnel/Staff Files [Registrar] (Series 136) 17
- Publications [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Office of the Principal] (Series 516) 1
- RecFind Multiple Number Administrative Files [Registrar] (Series 715) 2
- Record Relating to the Testing of Materials [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] [School of Engineering Materials Testing Laboratories] (Series 361) 5
- Records Relating to Balls, Concerts and Dinners [Evening Students Association (ESA)] (Series 1678) 4
- Records [Cecil Julian Manning Walters] (Series 1501) 1
- Records [Henry Charles Barry] (Series 1562) 2
- Records [Rain Precipitation Investigation Committee] (Series 839) 2
- Records [School of Physics] (Series 324) 1
- Staff Files [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 940) 1
- Subject Files [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1084) 1
- Subject Files [Office of the Vice-Chancellor] [Vice-Chancellor I] [Vice-Chancellor II] (Series 268) 1
- Sydney Teachers College Camp Photographs (Series 1636) 1
- Terminated Staff Files [Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE) Staff and Personnel Office] (Series 437) 1
- University Papers and Lecture Notes [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1081) 2
- War Diaries Kept by Francis Badham (FB) Oliver [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1389) 3
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- Drawing1
- Map2
- Minutes20
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Volume 20
- Collection...
- Series...
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Agricultural Science] [Faculty of Agriculture and Environment] (Series 38) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Economics and Commerce] [Faculty of Economics/Faculty of Economics and Business/University of Sydney Business School] (Series 37) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Engineering] (Series 1352) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Military Studies] (Series 55) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Pharmacy] (Series 56) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Pure Science] (Series 57) 1
- Minutes [Board of Studies in Veterinary Science] [Board of Veterinary Science] [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 36) 1
- Minutes [Buildings and Grounds Committee] (Series 4) 1
- Minutes [Conservatorium of Music Council] (Series 991) 1
- Minutes [Evening Students Association (ESA)] (Series 1677) 2
- Minutes [Faculty of Engineering/Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies] (Series 40) 1
- Minutes [Faculty of Law/University of Sydney Law School] (Series 33) 1
- Minutes [Faculty of Medicine/Sydney Medical School] (Series 35) 1
- Minutes [Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes] (Series 259) 1
- Minutes [Library Committee] (Series 350) 1
- Minutes [Library Executive Committee] (Series 351) 1
- Minutes [Professorial Board] (Series 25) 1
- Minutes [Senate] (Series 1) 3
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- Board of Studies in Agriculture 1
- Board of Studies in Economics and Commerce 1
- Board of Studies in Engineering 1
- Board of Studies in Military Studies 1
- Board of Studies in Pharmacy 1
- Board of Studies in Pure Science 1
- Board of Studies in Veterinary Science 1
- Board of Veterinary Science 1
- Evening Students Association (ESA) 2
- Faculty of Agriculture and Environment 1
- Faculty of Engineering 1
- Faculty of Veterinary Science 1
- Fisher Library 2
- Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes 1
- Sydney Medical School 1
- University Library 2
- University of Sydney Business School 1
- University of Sydney Law School 1
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- Photograph907
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Album 3
- Born Digital 4
- Negative/Positive 39
- Other 3
- Postcard 10
- Print 848
- Subject...
- Baseball 1
- Cricket 8
- Hockey 5
- Sydney Teachers College (STC) 1
- Tennis 10
- World War I 4
- Collection...
- 70 Years, 70 Stories 2
- Admin 1 5
- Admin 2 5
- Admin 3 1
- Admin 5 2
- Admin 6 1
- Alumni Festival 1
- Animals in the Archives 5
- Archives Staff Picks 2
- Blackburn Photographs 1
- Cecil Julian Manning Walters Photographs 37
- Commemoration 5
- Favourite Four 4
- Flashback Friday 7
- Gordon Bradley Lowe Photographs 50
- Is This You? 1
- Kenneth Saxby 3
- PowerPoint Slides 1
- School of Physics 2
- Sports 3
- The Quadrangle 8
- Then and Now 2
- Top 100 4
- University Students 3
- Welcome Program 1
- William Irving Phillips Photographs 9
- Women of the University 9
- World War I Book of Remembrance 4
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- Book of Remembrance Research Files [Honorary Archivists] (Series 284) 4
- Glass Lantern Slides of the University and Medical School [Charles Ruthven Bickerton (CRB) Blackburn] (Series 842) 1
- Kenneth Knowlton Saxby Personal Papers [Honorary Archivists] (Series 1502) 4
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 5
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 359
- Photograph Albums and Scrapbooks [Department of Botany] [School of Biological Sciences] (Series 343) 1
- Photographic Prints [Department of Illustration] (Series 272) 3
- Photographs [Cecil Julian Manning Walters] (Series 1500) 37
- Photographs [Department of Veterinary Science] [Faculty of Veterinary Science] (Series 1245) 8
- Photographs [Faculty of Agriculture] (Series 318) 1
- Photographs [Gordon Bradley Lowe] (Series 1200) 469
- Photographs [Iven Giffard Mackay] (Series 1687) 1
- Photographs [William Irving Phillips] (Series 1203) 9
- Records [Henry Charles Barry] (Series 1562) 5
Show More - Agency - Related...
- Department of Engineering 29
- Department of Geology and Geophysics 1
- Department of Veterinary Science 8
- Evening Students Association (ESA) 3
- Faculty of Agriculture 1
- Faculty of Dentistry 1
- Faculty of Veterinary Science 8
- School of Engineering Materials Testing Laboratories 1
- Sydney Medical School 1
- Undergraduates Association 3
- University of Sydney Women Undergraduates Association 3
- War Memorial Committee 4
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- Building - Related...
- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 7
- Badham Building (A16) 2
- Edgeworth David Building (A11) 3
- Holme Building (A09) 4
- Institute Building (H03) 1
- John Woolley Building (A20) 33
- Macleay Building (A12) 5
- Manning House (A23) 3
- Old Teachers College (A22) 1
- Oval No 1 (D03) 1
- Pharmacy Building (A15) 3
- St John's College (CG6) 1
- St Paul's College (CG1) 10
- Sydney Conservatorium of Music (C41) 1
- Sydney University Regiment (H01) 2
- The Quadrangle (A14) 45
- The Quadrangle (A14) 3
- The Women's College (CG4) 7
- Wesley College (CG3) 3
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- Plan98
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
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- Building - Related...
- Anderson Stuart Building (F13) 6
- Heydon-Laurence Building (A08) 6
- Holme Building (A09) 5
- JD Stewart Building (B01) 9
- Macleay Building (A12) 8
- Manning House (A23) 2
- Old Teachers College (A22) 18
- Pharmacy Building (A15) 1
- RD Watt Building (A04) 12
- St Paul's College (CG1) 2
- The Quadrangle (A14) 25
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- Publication59
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Subject...
- Language...
- Collection...
- Series...
- Book of Remembrance Research Files [Honorary Archivists] (Series 284) 5
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 1
- Field Notebooks and Research Material Relating to First Nations Peoples in Northeast South Australia [Adolphus Peter (AP) Elkin] (Series 723) 2
- Miscellaneous Papers and Ephemera [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1085) 1
- Operas and Concerts [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Concert Organiser] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 646) 10
- Printed Publications [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Registrar] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 625) 2
- Publications [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Office of the Principal] (Series 516) 9
- Records Relating to Balls, Concerts and Dinners [Evening Students Association (ESA)] (Series 1678) 1
- University Publications [University Archives] (Series 714) 8
- University of Sydney Calendar [Registrar] (Series 827) 10
- Agency - Related...
- Register25
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Volume 25
- Series...
- Matriculants, Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees Register [Registrar] (Series 84) 1
- Professors Roll Books (Series 1587) 2
- Record Relating to the Testing of Materials [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] [School of Engineering Materials Testing Laboratories] (Series 361) 8
- Register of Graduates [Registrar] (Series 66) 12
- Register of Kindergarten and Infants Teachers Extension Course Examinations [Sydney Teachers College (STC) Registrar] (Series 458) 1
- Undergraduates Register [Registrar] (Series 85) 1
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- Not Digitised
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