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- Document93
- Decade...
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- Document 64
- File 3
- Manuscript 1
- Microform 1
- Notebook 9
- Report 2
- Unassessed 12
- Volume 1
- Subject...
- Collection...
- Series...
- Addresses and Memoranda [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1660) 2
- Book of Remembrance Research Files [Honorary Archivists] (Series 284) 1
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 1
- Correspondence Relating to 1896-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1456) 10
- Correspondence [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1657) 6
- Correspondence and Legal Papers [Jane Juliana Pell] [Morris Birkbeck Pell] (Series 1693) 3
- Correspondence and Other Records Relating to Courses and Students [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] (Series 365) 1
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 134) 1
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 44) 2
- Letters Relating to 1897-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1453) 1
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 27
- Miscellaneous Official Record Items [Registrar] (Series 92) 4
- Notebooks Relating to 1897-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1455) 6
- Notebooks and Papers [Edmund Thomas Blacket] (Series 1324) 1
- Papers Relating to the University Extension Board [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1079) 3
- Personal Documents [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1408) 11
- Record Relating to the Testing of Materials [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] [School of Engineering Materials Testing Laboratories] (Series 361) 2
- Records Relating to 1897-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1454) 3
- Records Relating to 1897-1898 Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1457) 5
- Records [School of Physics] (Series 324) 1
- University Papers and Lecture Notes [Ernest Rudolph (ER) Holme] (Series 1081) 1
- University Testamurs (Series 864) 1
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- Map1
- Minutes10
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- Volume 10
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- Photograph132
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Album 2
- Born Digital 1
- Negative/Positive 10
- Print 119
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- 70 Years, 70 Stories 1
- Admin 1 1
- Admin 2 2
- Admin 5 1
- Admin 6 1
- Alumni Festival 1
- Blackburn Photographs 3
- Commemoration 2
- Favourite Four 1
- Flashback Friday 1
- Sports 3
- Top 100 1
- University Students 4
- Welcome Program 1
- Women of the University 2
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- Digitised Photographs Donated to the University Archives (Series 1229) 1
- Glass Lantern Slides of the University and Medical School [Charles Ruthven Bickerton (CRB) Blackburn] (Series 842) 3
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 1
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 95
- Personal Documents [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1408) 1
- Photographic Prints [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1658) 1
- Photographic Prints [Department of Illustration] (Series 272) 1
- Photographs [Publications Office] (Series 651) 1
- Photographs [School of Chemistry] (Series 218) 9
- Photographs by Edward Hufton [Archibald Liversidge] (Series 1508) 7
- Photographs on Funafuti Coral Boring Expeditions [Tannatt William Edgeworth (TWE) David] (Series 1458) 12
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- Plan13
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- Admin 1 1
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- Building - Related...
- Publication33
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Collection...
- Series...
- C and D Series Field and Research Notes and Genealogies [Alfred Reginald (AR) Radcliffe-Brown] (Series 790) 1
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 2
- Operas and Concerts [New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music Concert Organiser] [Sydney Conservatorium of Music] (Series 646) 1
- University Publications [University Archives] (Series 714) 9
- University of Sydney Calendar [Registrar] (Series 827) 10
- Register18
- Decade...
- Primary Format...
- Volume 18
- Series...
- Matriculants, Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees Register [Registrar] (Series 84) 1
- Record Relating to the Testing of Materials [Department of Engineering] [Faculty of Engineering] [School of Engineering Materials Testing Laboratories] (Series 361) 7
- Record of Students Work in the Practising School [Hurlstone Training College] (Series 653) 1
- Register of Graduates [Registrar] (Series 66) 8
- Undergraduates Register [Registrar] (Series 85) 1
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