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- Document58
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- Document 39
- File 1
- Manuscript 5
- Microform 3
- Notebook 5
- Other 1
- Unassessed 2
- Volume 2
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- Addresses and Memoranda [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1660) 4
- Correspondence [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1657) 8
- Financial Records [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1656) 2
- General Subject Files [Registrar] (Series 44) 1
- Jane Juliana Pell's Diary [Jane Juliana Pell] [Morris Birkbeck Pell] (Series 1690) 1
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 24
- Miscellaneous Official Record Items [Registrar] (Series 92) 3
- Notebooks and Papers [Edmund Thomas Blacket] (Series 1324) 10
- Personal Documents [Alexander Oliver] (Series 1408) 2
- Personal Papers of Professor John Woolley (Series 1623) 1
- Records [School of Physics] (Series 324) 1
- Travel and Property Legal Documents [Charles Nicholson] (Series 1655) 1
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- Minutes5
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- Photograph162
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- Negative/Positive 141
- Print 21
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- Daguerreotypes [John Smith] (Series 1180) 4
- Glass Lantern Slides of the University and Medical School [Charles Ruthven Bickerton (CRB) Blackburn] (Series 842) 5
- Miscellaneous Items with Various Provenance (Series 1117) 1
- Miscellaneous Photographs [Registrar] (Series 167) 16
- Notebooks and Papers [Edmund Thomas Blacket] (Series 1324) 3
- Photographs [John Smith] (Series 803) 133
- Stereograph Prints of Edward Hufton and John Smith Negatives [Ernest Brougham Docker] (Series 807) 1
- Person - Related...
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- Plan9
- Publication9
- Register1
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